Saturday, May 29, 2021

What eTwinning Brought Me (Nazilli Science High School/Nisanur D.)

 Hi everyone. I wanna share my ideas about our project. You know it is called Creative Reading. Firstly thanks to this project cause I met a lovely book. 

And I used many web2 applications.I learned   more applications to use. And know I now something about partner countries' literature. We met friends from other countries I pleasure this. 

And now I came the web2 applications what we use to this project 

Actually I used mostly Canva for my works. Also I used Cram, you know for the words game.And Storyjumper used  for this project.

Finally I can say those:

This project provided an interaction between cultures.  I hope to see you again in another eTwinning project.

By my good wishes 


  1. great work.Many many thanks Nisanur

  2. Thank you for everything Nisanur.Hope to meet in another project.
