Osmangazi Gazi Anatolian High School
Gazi Anatolian High School wasestablished in thebeautifulcity of Bursa in 1994.
It is only 5 kilometresawayfromthecitycentre. You can
easilyreachtheschooleitherbypublictransportationor in your car.
Wehave 741
studentsand 58 experiencedteachers in ourschool. Ourschool has 25 classes. Therearealso 3 sciencelabs, 1 library, gym,
conferencehall, musicclass, refectoryandcanteen in Gazi Anatolian High School.
Ourstudents can breathfreely in thelargegarden of theschool at their break
Gazi Anatolian High School has beenknown as
one of themostdistinguishingacademichighschools in Bursa.
Ourstudentsareagedbetween 14 and 18. Studentswhowanttostudy at
ourschoolhavetotake an exampreparedbytheMinistry of Educationandonly 5% of
thestudentsareacceptedto Gazi Anatolian High School.
Ourschool is
an academichighschooland it became a projectschool in 2018. As it is an
academicschool, studentshavescienceclassessuch as Maths, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology. Theyalsostudynonmathsclassessuch as Literature, History, Geograpy, IT,
Languages - English andGerman. Meanwhileourstudentsdeveloptheirtalents of
music, andsportwiththehelp of Music and Sports classes. Furthermorestudentshave
a chancetodeveloptheirdrawingandpaintingskills.
WefollowthecommoncurriculumpreparedbytheMinistry of Education in ourclasses.
Our main aim
of ourschool is tosendourstudentstothebestuniversitiesboth in Turkeyand in
theworld. Ourmission is tohelpourstudents be self-confident, responsible,
sharing, caring, innovative, a goodmember of a team. Although it is an
academicschool, Gazi Anatolian High School is interestedmanydifferentsubjects.
Wehavetakenplace in manysportsandmusicactivities. Wehaverewards in
differenttypes of sportsandmusiccontestsboth in localandnationalorganizations.
In 2018 wetookpart in the International Sanremo Music Festival hold in Italy.
Wehavebeenengagedwithscientificworksfor a long time. Ourschool has
beenpreparingprojectsforthenationalscientificorganizationcalled TUBITAK since
2014. Wearealsointerested in Erasmus+ Projects. A group of colleaguesended an
Erasmus+ K1 lastyear.
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